The properties of concrete depend on the properties of its ingredients and their proportion, and it is likely to vary from mix to mix.
The properties of concrete depend on the properties of its ingredients and their proportion, and it is likely to vary from mix to mix.
Concrete cube moulds that are used in the preparation of concrete cube specimens of high strength materials for compression testing.
This test is considered suitable for cohesive and plastic mixes of concrete containing aggregate smaller than 50 mm.
It is designed to carry a load of 140 kg . The apparatus consists of a motor fitted with a variable pitch pulley housed in a cabinet.
The tank has been designed to accommodate 150mm/70.6mm cube moulds upto 36/72 cube mould and fully insulated, complete with a hinged lid, heater, thermostat and re-circulated pump.
The Mixer is used for preparing Mix Design of Concrete. It consists of a steel vessel of 55/ 110 Litres capacity, mounted on a frame. The vessel is rotated at 20-22 RPM with the help of a motor
The design of concrete mix is aimed at maximum durability for the conditions where it is to be used. Ability to resist the flow of water through is one of the important durability characteristics.
A useful tool for workability determination of concrete mixes of very low workability such as those normally used with Concrete, compacted by Vibration.